Medical screening tests are a great way to stay on top of your health. To help make it simple, there is a list of the most important medical tests every woman should have — along with what age to start and how often to repeat. Here’s to routine maintenance for your health.
Cholesterol screening/lipid profile
Cholesterol is a type of fatty protein in your blood that can build up in your arteries, so knowing how much cholesterol is present is a good predictor of your risk for heart disease. There are two kinds of cholesterol: HDL, or high-density lipoproteins, and LDL, or low-density lipoproteins. And women need to pay close attention to cholesterol levels, because they tend to rise after menopause. If you were already high or borderline before or at menopause, there’s cause for concern. These test a good for you every five years. If testing reveals your levels are high, your doctor will recommend retesting every six months to one year.
Blood pressure check
It seems simple, but checking your blood pressure regularly is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health, present and future. When your blood pressure readings are higher than the cutoff of 140/90, it puts stress on your heart, leaving you at risk for heart attack and stroke. Many experts believe 120/80 is a healthier target to shoot for. Once a year if readings are normal; your doctor will recommend every six months if readings are high or if you’re taking medication to control hypertension.
Diabetes screening
Doctors check your tolerance for glucose absorption, which means how readily your body digests sugar. Diabetes puts a unique burden on women. Many women get diabetes while pregnant, and it’s dangerous for both mother and baby. It is good for you to get diabetes screening every tree years.
Bone density test
It is good for you to get bone density test every five years. Osteoporosis happens when minerals such as calcium begin to leach from bones, thinning and weakening them. In women, this often happens as a result of low estrogen levels after menopause. A specialized X-ray called a DXA (dual-energy X-ray) will screens your spine, hips, and wrists.
Vitamin D test
Recently, doctors have realized that vitamin D is a key nutrient that helps maintain strong bones and protect against cancer and infection. This is important because women are at such high risk for osteoporosis; 80 percent of those with bone loss are women. You want your reading to be between 30 and 80 nanograms per milliliter; some experts advocate 50 as the lower limit.
Colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy
Colorectal cancer, which is cancer of the lower part of the intestines, is curable in 90 percent of all cases — as long as it’s caught early. And screening tests that look inside the colon, called colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy, are the secret to catching it early. Many people mistakenly think of colon cancer as a man’s disease, although it strikes women equally with men. Flexible sigmoidoscopies should be repeated every five years, and a colonoscopy should be repeated every ten years.
Fecal occult blood test (FOBT)
Although it sounds otherworldly, the word occult simply refers to the fact that this test checks for blood in the stool that’s not visible to the eye. This test is considered key to catching colon cancer early; currently more women than men are diagnosed with colon cancer that’s already at an advanced stage. An FOBT is used to check for intestinal conditions such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
Skin cancer screening
Younger women in particular need to be educated about skin cancer; many women mistakenly believe men are more likely to get skin cancer, but the rise in popularity of tanning beds and some outdoor activities has caused skin cancer rates to rise among younger women. The number of women under age 40 with basal cell carcinoma, one type of skin cancer, has more than doubled in the last 30 years and women under 39 are almost twice as likely to develop melanoma as men. Experts recommend conducting a personal “mole check” once a month in the shower to look for unusual growths or changes to existing moles.
Eye exam and vision screening
Whether you have problems seeing at a distance or close up, you need regular eye exams as you age to check the overall health of your eyes. Women are at a slightly higher risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, one of the most common eye health problems. Every one to three years between the ages of 18 and 61, it’s good for your health; after that, as often as your doctor thinks is necessary depending on what’s happening with your vision.
Hearing test (audiogram)
Fourteen percent of adults between ages 45 and 64 have hearing loss, and by the age of 60, one in three adults is losing hearing. Yet many people go years before getting tested, primarily because hearing tests are voluntary. Although men are more likely to develop hearing loss in general, certain conditions that are more common to women, such as lupus and other autoimmune diseases raise the risk of hearing loss.
Thyroid test
The thyroid, a small gland in your neck, regulates your body’s metabolic rate. Women are at higher risk for most types of thyroid disease, probably because of hormonal factors. If your thyroid is overactive, a condition known as hyperthyroidism, your metabolic rate is too high. Symptoms include insomnia, weight loss, and overactive pulse. If you’re hypothyroid, it means your thyroid is underactive and your metabolism will be slow and sluggish. This usually leads to fatigue, constipation, and weight gain. It’s recommends a thyroid test every three to five years after the age of 35.
Screening for metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a group of symptoms that put you at increased risk for both diabetes and heart disease. The screening involves checking for a list of issues and, if they’re present, recommending additional tests. It’s good for you every three to five years, along with cholesterol and diabetes screening.
Pelvic exam and pap smear
Although many younger women are now being vaccinated against the HPV strain that causes cervical cancer, women who were past the age of 26 when the vaccine was introduced still need to be alert for this deadly form of cancer. Sadly, cervical cancer remains the second leading cause of death from cancer for women worldwide, and the familiar pap smear remains the preventive screening test of choice. It’s recommended to take a test every year, although some doctors will allow you to go two to three years between exams if all your results have been normal.
Physical breast exam
Checking your breasts for lumps, thickening, skin changes, and nipple discharge is the best way to be vigilant about preventing breast cancer. You can do this exam at home in the shower, but doctors also recommend having breast checks performed by an expert as well. Experts recommend home breast exams once a month; it’s usually best to do them just after your period ends, when breasts aren’t as tender or sore.
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, and the mammogram remains the most basic tool used to screen for tumors, aside from physical examination of the breasts. Every year, disregard recent controversy over mammogram frequency until final recommendations are issued.care2
Read more “15 Medical Tests Every Woman Should Have”